is among the most compelling characters in the
Marvel Cinematic Universe. Despite appearing in some of the best projects in the franchise,
the latest Smart Hulk iteration of the hero has been a problem, though not for the reasons one might think. There have been all kinds of concerns over the transformation of the Hulk in the franchise, and many are surprised at how little the Banner and Hulk dynamic has been addressed. This is a core issue, certainly, but it"s one that could be easily fixed in this way.
With Captain America: Brave New World essentially serving as an Incredible Hulk sequel, the MCU is in a perfect place t explore more Hulk villains, characters, and stories. While there are rumored rights issues concerning Hulk, the character has remained an important part of the franchise, and deserves more screen time.
After She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, a series I admit that I loved, failed to capture much positive attention, the state of the Hulk brand is in an interesting place. I hope to see this rectified soon, and I know how it can be done.
The MCU's Smart Hulk Storyline Has Been Controversial Ever Since It Debuted On-Screen Smart Hulk Debuted In Avengers: Endgame Close The MCU"s Hulk timeline has been complex, seeing
two different actors take on the role and fighting against different levels of rage, leading up to Mark Ruffalo becoming Smart Hulk in Avengers: Endgame. While this was an amusing choice in the film, it did leave some audiences unsatisfied. Hulk had previously been a giant, green rage monster, and seeing that rage reduced to the point where it was no longer a part of his character felt like a strange betrayal of Hulk"s core.
I liked Smart Hulk in Endgame, although the film made some difficult choices for the character. Seeing Bruce then appear in derided projects like She-Hulk was a difficult way to follow up on the character"s status. Expanding the Hulk roster of characters seemed like a good choice, but
when the series wound up not connecting with most audiences, this hurt the brand"s perception. Following this, many feelings around the Hulk and his MCU story are not as high as they perhaps should be.
Why The MCU's Smart Hulk Is So Divisive Among Audiences There Are A Number Of Reasons Smart Hulk Is Not Beloved Close There are so many reasons why Smart Hulk has not connected with audiences as much as the franchise likely hoped.
Most simply, audiences want Hulk to smash things, and Smart Hulk is embarrassed to do that. Most of the interest in Captain America: Brave New World stemmed from audiences wanting to see Red Hulk act violently, erratically, and terrifyingly. This speaks to what audiences have missed from Ruffalo"s iteration of the character since his transformation in Endgame.
Subverting expectations of what Hulk is, and only giving him small roles in projects, has made Smart Hulk feel disappointing.
Seeing a brutal, yet charismatic version of the character in The Avengers showed exactly what audiences wanted and expected from the character. Bruce Banner has an emotional duality, but he also has wit, humor, and some level of control over his powers. Big, dumb brutes are some of the most fun characters in science fiction and fantasy, and it is sad to see that go away so entirely in the MCU.
The Problem With The Smart Hulk Storyline Isn't Smart Hulk Himself There Simply Hasn't Been Enough Hulk In The Recent MCU Close While the use of Smart Hulk has been a problem, especially as it has taken away from seeing Savage Hulk onscreen, this is not necessarily the whole problem.
Featuring a Smart Hulk might actually allow for satisfying opportunities for the character, but none of these have been given enough attention. Bruce has played the role of a background character, and that background role has not been given the room to do anything meaningful. She-Hulk suggested interesting things about Bruce"s past, but it never really examined them.
If Smart Hulk was given a fleshed-out story where the character was given things to do, and ways to use his powers that are meaningful,
audiences could grow attached to the new version of the character. A smart, brutish force can be a powerful and effective character, but only if he is given room to do interesting things. Whether or not a World War Hulk movie is ever made, which would be impossible with a Smart Hulk, Bruce needs to take less of a backseat in MCU stories, and serve a more vital role.
The MCU Doesn't Need To Get Rid Of Smart Hulk If It Can Fix Its Longest Hulk Problem The Franchise Needs To Have More Hulk Stories At Its Center Close Thor: Ragnarok saw Hulk playing a significant supporting role in a two-hander film that gave both of their characters time to shine.
Allowing Smart Hulk the same co-starring status in a future project would be an excellent way forward for the character. Bruce"s scenes in She-Hulk, while short-lived, were mostly satisfying and impactful, reinforcing that Ruffalo is a charismatic performer, and it is fun to see his charm brought to the character. It simply has not been seen enough. Audiences need more Hulks in more colors in the MCU, doing more interesting things.
Developing a project where Smart Hulk has interesting things to do could be an excellent next step. He does not have to lose his mind in order to tell good stories, but finding a balance, or some kind of better duality with the personality of Savage Hulk, allowing for incredible Hulk battles, might be an excellent story-path forward. Either way, whether in Avengers: Doomsday or any of the other future MCU projects, I need to see more of Hulk. I"ll take more Smart Hulk, Savage Hulk, or any Hulk in between.
Related The MCU's Next Hulk Story Happens Way Sooner Than You Think According To One Major Thunderbolts* Movie Theory Marvel Studios" Thunderbolts* movie tells the franchise"s next Hulk story in an exciting MCU theory that connects with multiple projects.
Posts 1 Marvel needs to remember that Hulk is among their best characters. For many years,
Hulk was considered one of the most popular heroes in all of superhero media, and it is vital that the character be ignored no more. Smart Hulk is still interesting, although his stories in the franchise haven"t really been. That is the correction that needs to be made, and I do have hope that
the MCU will do the right thing and tell more stories about
Hulk, with more attention to the character, in the near future.
Marvel Cinematic Universe $29 $35 Save $6
Created by Kevin Feige
First Film Iron Man
Upcoming Films Deadpool & Wolverine, Captain America: Brave New World, Thunderbolts*, Blade (2025), The Fantastic Four: First Steps, Avengers: Doomsday (2026), Avengers: Secret Wars
First TV Show Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. $29 at Amazon See at Target See at Walmart Upcoming MCU Movies
Release Date May 2, 2025
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The Fantastic Four: First Steps
Release Date July 25, 2025
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Avengers: Doomsday (2026)
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Spider-Man Homecoming 4
Release Date July 24, 2026
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Avengers: Secret Wars
Release Date May 7, 2027
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